Robert H. Jackson #82 (1892-1954)

Board #171 - Robert H. Jackson #82 (1892-1954)

Robert H. Jackson #82 (1892-1954) Jackson autographs an envelope postmarked January 29, 1945.  Before his nomination to the Court Jackson attended a law school and passed the bar without having any type of degree from any institution.   He served his country as U.S. Solicitor General and as Attorney General and he performed as the Chief United States Prosecutor at the Nuremberg Tribunals.  His opening statement there assured the world as well as the German people they would not be blamed for the acts of individuals.  Jackson was FDR’s 8th nomination to the Supreme Court as a President.  Jackson and Justice Hugo Black had many disagreements but when it came to electing a new Chief Justice the President was convinced if it were Robert H. Jackson there would be at least two resignations or retirements Justice Black being one.

Board: 171

Offered For: $3300


John Paul Stevens #101(1920-2019)


Justice Samuel Nelson #29 (1792-1873) & Justice Levi Woodbury #30 (1789 – 1851)