Samuel Nelson #29 (1782-1873) Levi Woodbury #30 (1789-1851)

Board #203 - Samuel Nelson #29 (1782-1873) Levi Woodbury #30 (1789-1851)

Nelson was born in New York the product of Scottish Irish immigrants. Nelson read law in a law firm. President John Tyler nominated Nelson to the Supreme Court. Nelson supported the Dred Scott decision written by Chief Taney. He was outspoken on Lincolns decisions reference slavery but supported the Union.

Levi Woodbury! If you wish to become a Supreme Court Justice you serve as Secretary of the Navy or Secretary of the Treasury. Woodbury did all the above. Woodbury filled the seat left vacant by Justice Story. Woodbury died before Dred Scott, but in Jones v Van Zandt he found in favor of the slaveholder. Woodbury served this country in all three branches of government. The Dred Scott decision did produce two dissents but by then justice Woodbury was deceased. Woodbury did much for his 62 years of life and served America with great devotion. The board both men submit period letters for this board.

The number is 203.

Offered for: $5850.


Levi Woodbury #30 (1789 – 1851)


Tom C. Clark #86 (1899-1977)