Willis Van Devanter #63 (1859-1941)
Board #211 - Willis Van Devanter #63 (1859-1941)
Willis Van Devanter was nominated by President Taft in 1911. He was President Taft’s first nomination and he was received by the Senate without objection on January 3, 1911
On March 28, 1933, Justice Van Devanter signs his nabe on the back of a business card and dates it four years before his retirement but during the time Congress refuses to grant Supreme Court Justices a retirement as it was still during the depression. Had Devanter been able to retire he would have done so before he signed this card.
The Justice is shown here on the board in 3 photographs. 1. He is shown in his court robe attire. 2. He is shown with a tie and a hat and with a libation and 3. He appears to be reading at home but it is unverified whether it’s at home.
He served on the same Court with the very man that nominated him to the Supreme Court. He served for 26 years.
The board number is 211.
Offered for: $2075.